What a FUN in

What a FUN

Tirol (innsbruck, Imst, Lienz, Kufstein & Kitzbühel)

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Tirol  (innsbruck, Imst, Lienz, Kufstein & Kitzbühel)Tirol  (innsbruck, Imst, Lienz, Kufstein & Kitzbühel)
Tirol (innsbruck, Imst, Lienz, Kufstein & Kitzbühel)
Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across the globe, we get three to four people to get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their own professional fuckup. The stories of the business that crashes and burns, the partnership deal that goes sour, the product that has to be recalled, we tell them all.

3 Speaker*innen, je 10 Bilder in 7 Minuten (die hat aber echt noch noch nie jemand eingehalten), gefolgt von Fragen aus dem Publikum. Why? Because it's sensible, it's a lot of humour and because the writers simply have a lot to learn, because there's a lot to learn!

In the 25th Innsbrucker Exhibition, we are opening together with Startup.Tirol the bunghouse of The cultural backstube for companies for stories of companies, startups & projects from this community. We are looking forward to the success stories of teams and groups: within the startup environment.Tirol. The Fuckup Nights Tirol can also be made by our cooperation partner Tirol.

Einlass: 18:30 Uhr
Beginn: 19:00 Uhr

Information about the speakers*innen of the current events can be found on Facebook, Instagram or via our newsletter.

What are the Fuckup Nights? A 2012 in Mexico, a global event that brings together people from all over the world who make mistakes and make decisions (in advance by employers*interns) on the bunghole. In regular absences, we are working together as a community, we are giving a glass of wine, and we are talking about things that we have experienced in the course of our work. Hello!

Experiment. FAIL! Learn. Repeat.
And don't be shy talking about it!

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von: Standortagentur Tirol und Startup. Tirol

>>> Tickets are available from 1. May 2024.

Contact us
Contact with us
Contact us
Contact with us
Tirol  (innsbruck, Imst, Lienz, Kufstein & Kitzbühel)


Calendar of events

20 Jun
Fuckup Nights Innsbruck #25
New dates coming soon

Next event

Upcoming event

20 Jun

7:00 pm


10:30 pm

Die Bäckerei Kulturbackstube

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Tirol  (innsbruck, Imst, Lienz, Kufstein & Kitzbühel)Tirol  (innsbruck, Imst, Lienz, Kufstein & Kitzbühel)

Calendar of events

Calendar of events

New dates coming soon
New dates coming soon
New dates coming soon

Fuckupper Wanted

Fuckup Nights is a global movement with a platform for international events where people get to share their personal failure stories. Every month different events happen worldwide where three to four speakers step into the spotlight in front of a room of strangers to share their screw-ups. We've heard it all, from stories of businesses that go bust, partnership deals that fall out, to products that must be recalled.

Apply Now!
FUCKUP NIGHTS in your city

What does it mean to be a Fuckupper?

A Fuckupper is a local Fuckup Nights representative responsible for organizing events and growing the community in their city. Becoming a Fuckupper means belonging to a globally known movement with an established licensing model that provides you with opportunities for networking to build your personal brand AND work towards collective liberation from the stigma of failure.

I'm ready to be a Fuckupper


get the license now for $480 usd per year


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Meet the team

Meet the team

Fuckupper Team




Tirol (innsbruck, Imst, Lienz, Kufstein & Kitzbühel)

Job Description

Initiator, Host and Organizer

Marketing Professional with a history of working in the startup industry. Strong skills in Marketing, Communication, Social Media, Leadership, Coaching, Business Development, and Strategic Planning. Strong passion in empowering people.