Cases and things that went wrong
Content to challenge the work culture
When startups fail
Challenging gender paradigms
We teamed up with netWorth to break down these taboos and stigmas by sharing 3 finance failure stories
The strongest earthquake of CDMX suddenly changed the focus of the DocxMX 2017 edition.
Jan Jonker shares how his team were responsible for creating two towers connected by a belt.
Daniel Urías, founder of Cooltura Financiera, gives workshops on personal finance.
Rina tells us the story of how she started an escape room with her 2 best friends without a good economic plan.
For years he allowed other people's criticisms and opinions to influence his decisions and ...
At México there has been a long oral tradition of these stories; what radio once did...
A conversation between Joan Marie Godoy of Fuckup Nights Miami and Hap Klopp The North Face Founder.
Roxana tells the story of the failure she experienced during the production of the animated feature film Ana y Bruno.
Vicente Fox tells us how he started a new business. Unfortunately, fashion is fleeting.
Hugo Villa Smythe in Doqumenta 2020 in Querétaro, México.
After a successful career in Stand Up, Monica Escobedo is invited to the most important Stand Up event.
An impromptu tour would lead El muelas to 3 days of chaos with hospital consequences.
April was responsible for welcoming a great guest for the International Festival of Morelia
Mika decided to study graphic design and started her career working in advertising agencies.
Andrea Escobedo sexist boss didn't let her shine
Ana Julia Yeyé decided to quit her job to pursue her dream of becoming a standup comedian.
Lolo, from México, tells us about his failure to co-host one of the most successful podcasts of the season.
Gerry Rod, producer of La Cotorrisa, tells us about some of the failures of stand-up podcasts at México.
He built a "portal of portals" at and then the .com bubble burst.
Luiki Wiki seemed to have it all, but suddenly he hit rock bottom and had to decide what to do with his life.
Musician Ely Guerra signed over the rights of her second album to her publisher without realizing she was...
As a child Paola liked 4 things: swords, guns, soccer and girls.
Stories of mental dehydration presented by CIEL.
Marcus shared some of the obstacles he faced and gave some advice on what NOT to say.
Marcello ventured into a desktop project where by spoiling he learned.
A failure caused by the typical "I can do it better than others".
After leaving his job without thinking it through, Gerry experienced a major depression.
Daniela Aedo became known for her work in Televisa, starring in several children's soap operas.
Raul Meneses' comfort zone nearly ruined his standup career
Ivana de María moved to Los Angeles to become an actress.
Hap Klopp shares how he jumped to a new company whose vision was different from his own.
Laura Santander got her dream job right after college, but the best day of her career soon turned out to be...
Alex Santana had the job of his dreams when the pandemic hit and he realized he wasn't being a good leader ...
Alberto lived an inspiring life as General Manager of Microsoft in Mexico.
We thought F*ckup Nights was an extremely resilient social enterprise with no immediate threats.
a story about staying true to your values and getting the job done.
His last warning sign was when the developer he had been working with for five months...
Colectivo Play is an artistic group dedicated to the organization of workshops, live performances and management of...
Eliana Salvi quit her corporate job to create a startup but things didn't work out.
Fric Martinez tried to fund two startups at the same time and failed.
When Gonzo was a child, he had a dream of becoming a professional player.
Mariana Domínguez got carried away and successfully invested in cryptocurrency trading.
After six years of keeping it a secret, she decided to admit her mistakes and let the world know about it.
At 20, Ro Vázquez wanted to start a business, and she thought the s℮x industry was the way to go.
Álvaro Rego shares with us why he believes you shouldn't pay others to take care of your dreams.
The lack of implementation of green infrastructure projects makes Elias wonder why this is happening....
The story of The Fuckup Nights begins with 5 entrepreneurs sharing their failure for the first time on CDMX
Marion Reimers was very excited to report on the return of soccer with the first Bundesliga game.
Andrea Escobedo macho boss didn't let her shine
Sara Wolfe thought she could accomplish anything, but reality soon caught up with her.
Carmen Monoxide was making her Queer American Dream a reality, but then her visa expired.
If someone at work tells you to "put your shirt on," HUYE!
Denisse Pérez is a Master Coach and creator of the 4uGym franchise.
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