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Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across the globe, we get three to four people to get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their own professional fuckup. The stories of the business that crashes and burns, the partnership deal that goes sour, the product that has to be recalled, we tell them all.

We invite you to the XXXVI edition of Fuckup Nights Valencia.

We will be waiting for you next Wednesday, May 15, at 7:00 p.m. on the ADEIT terrace.

As in every edition we will be lucky enough to have three top entrepreneurs/professionals of the Valencian ecosystem:

  • Marisa Domingo, CEO y co-founder de Evolving Therapeutics.

D. in Plant Biology and Biotechnology.

Evolving Therapeutics, spin-off de la Universidad de Valencia para combatir bacterias multirresistentes a los antibióticos a través de bacteriofagos, su startup de healthtech ha recibido varios premios y reconocimientos como el premio a la Mejor Startup Triple Impact en los Valencia Startup Awards 2023.

  • Fernando Dávila Ponce, CEO y co-founder de Crowmie

The first investment platform for tokenized renewable energy projects. The startup allows anyone in the world to invest in renewable projects from 100 euros without bureaucratic processes and being able to liquidate the investment at no cost.

  • Alberto Almonacid, CEO Tardana Events 

Graduado en ciencias gastronómicas de la Universitat de Valencia. Participó en el Programa “Jo Vull ser empresari” de la Cátedra de Cultura Empresarial y después de haber estado ahorrando para un máster, lo destinó a su empresa que en un año y medio, ha logrado clientes como DHL, DACSA, CaixaBank, CSIC entre otros.

We are waiting for you!

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Calendar of events

15 May
Fuckup Nights Valencia
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Upcoming event

15 May

7:00 pm


9:00 pm

Plaza Virgen de la Paz

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Calendar of events

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New dates coming soon
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Fuckupper Wanted

Fuckup Nights is a global movement with a platform for international events where people get to share their personal failure stories. Every month different events happen worldwide where three to four speakers step into the spotlight in front of a room of strangers to share their screw-ups. We've heard it all, from stories of businesses that go bust, partnership deals that fall out, to products that must be recalled.

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FUCKUP NIGHTS in your city

What does it mean to be a Fuckupper?

A Fuckupper is a local Fuckup Nights representative responsible for organizing events and growing the community in their city. Becoming a Fuckupper means belonging to a globally known movement with an established licensing model that provides you with opportunities for networking to build your personal brand AND work towards collective liberation from the stigma of failure.

I'm ready to be a Fuckupper


get the license now for $480 usd per year


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Meet the team

Fuckupper Team

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