So you had a bad day? But you turned it around? Or maybe, you didn't. Yup, me too. That's ok. That's human: to fail sometimes, and to learn, and to get up and go again.
Failure is an essential part of the journey. We should talk about that more maybe? You think so? And fancy being in a room of fellow humans for a night of getting naked (emotionally speaking, ofc) as we share our most brilliant fuckups?
JOIN US on July 4 for Fuckup Nights Birmingham Vol. 2: The Agency Edition!
Wait, so WHAT AM I IN FOR?
1.Stories of Failure with Q&A from Agency Legends (20min x 3 )
2. Drinks & Nibbles
3. Share said drinks with a load of great humans
Wait, just want to see it in action in 1.5min? Fancy that, a nice little teaser video right here:
Ready for more? We got you. We'll be hosting 4+ Fuckup Nights in Birmingham over the next year!
Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across the globe, we get three to four people to get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their own professional fuckup. The stories of the business that crashes and burns, the partnership deal that goes sour, the product that has to be recalled, we tell them all.
Fuckup Nights is a global movement with a platform for international events where people get to share their personal failure stories. Every month different events happen worldwide where three to four speakers step into the spotlight in front of a room of strangers to share their screw-ups. We've heard it all, from stories of businesses that go bust, partnership deals that fall out, to products that must be recalled.
A Fuckupper is a local Fuckup Nights representative responsible for organizing events and growing the community in their city. Becoming a Fuckupper means belonging to a globally known movement with an established licensing model that provides you with opportunities for networking to build your personal brand AND work towards collective liberation from the stigma of failure.
An assigned specialist coordinator helping to generate authentic impact in the event.
Exclusive materials designed and aligned with our global brand guidelines, for internal and external communication and promotion
Two specialized moderators from Fuckup Nights for companies.
Theoretical actionable content of Failure management and a dynamic for the audience according to the topic.