What a FUN in

What a FUN

Bolzano, Brunico, Brunico, Bressanone, Merano, Silandro,trento

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Bolzano, Brunico, Brunico, Bressanone, Merano, Silandro,trentoBolzano, Brunico, Brunico, Bressanone, Merano, Silandro,trento
Bolzano, Brunico, Brunico, Bressanone, Merano, Silandro,trento
Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across the globe, we get three to four people to get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their own professional fuckup. The stories of the business that crashes and burns, the partnership deal that goes sour, the product that has to be recalled, we tell them all.
Mist is in the air? Oft scheint es, als hätten wir ein Problem mit Misserfolgen. Kein Wunder, dass deshalb nicht viel übers Scheitern gesprochen wird. Doch aus Fehlern lässt sich bekanntlich auch lernen. In FuckUp-Nights, this is why the night will be celebrated as a show, in which the writers of the companies*innen will be shown their plans and disasters. Three stories in 15 minutes with many learnings! The people on the bunghole are talking about their own lives and then they make another way, to wander, to search, to search and to find out again. Why? Weil Gescheiterte kostbares Wissen weitergeben können, von dem wir alle profitieren und weil wir eine gesunde Fehlerkultur brauchen. #sharethefailure
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Contact with us
Contact us
Contact with us
Bolzano, Brunico, Brunico, Bressanone, Merano, Silandro,trento


Calendar of events

April 14, 2023
Fuckup Night Bruneck | Vol. 02
New dates coming soon

Next event

Upcoming event

13 Apr

10:00 pm


12:00 am

UFO youth and culture center

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Bolzano, Brunico, Brunico, Bressanone, Merano, Silandro,trentoBolzano, Brunico, Brunico, Bressanone, Merano, Silandro,trento

Calendar of events

Calendar of events

New dates coming soon
New dates coming soon
New dates coming soon

Fuckupper Wanted

Fuckup Nights is a global movement with a platform for international events where people get to share their personal failure stories. Every month different events happen worldwide where three to four speakers step into the spotlight in front of a room of strangers to share their screw-ups. We've heard it all, from stories of businesses that go bust, partnership deals that fall out, to products that must be recalled.

Apply Now!
FUCKUP NIGHTS in your city

What does it mean to be a Fuckupper?

A Fuckupper is a local Fuckup Nights representative responsible for organizing events and growing the community in their city. Becoming a Fuckupper means belonging to a globally known movement with an established licensing model that provides you with opportunities for networking to build your personal brand AND work towards collective liberation from the stigma of failure.

I'm ready to be a Fuckupper


get the license now for $480 usd per year


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Meet the team

Meet the team

Fuckupper Team

Lorena Ruaz



Bolzano, Brunico, Brunico, Bressanone, Merano, Silandro,trento

Job Description

Head of Production | Eventmanager
