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Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across the globe, we get three to four people to get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their own professional fuckup. The stories of the business that crashes and burns, the partnership deal that goes sour, the product that has to be recalled, we tell them all.
SCHEITERN IST NICHT DAS ENDE, SONDERN DER ANFANG! 😎❄️ Herzlich willkommen zu unserer 11. Ausgabe der Fuckup Nights Karlsruhe! Wir mit weiteren Stories über das berufliche Scheitern. Also in the New Year, we will show you personal stories for you on the web, which we will tell you about your very personal stories about the summer nights. Bei unserem Afterwork- und Networking-Event triffst du auf offene & interessierte Menschen und tauschst du dich aus zum Motto: "Let's share the damn f*cking Failure! UPDATE: This event will be held in another cool club in the city of Fächerstadt. Wir sehen uns in der Alten Hackerei. 🤝 Guests Dr. Orell Mielke // Freiberuflicher Coach & Arzt Vanesa Ronecker-Jacob // Dipl.-Betriebswirtin, Zertifizierte Tauchlehrerin & Stressprävention Beraterin Martina Leisten // // Life- und Jobcoach & Buchautorin ⏰ Program 18:00 Uhr // Einlass 19:00 Uhr // Start // Vortrag #1 (inkl. Q&A) // Vortrag #2 (inkl. Q&A) 20:10 Uhr // Pause // Vortrag #3 (inkl. Q&A) // Vortrag #4 (inkl. Q&A) ca. 21:30 Uhr // Ende Im Nachgang könnt ihr noch zum Networking bleiben. 🎟️ Tickets Early-Bird // 8 € (until 31.08.2022) ermäßigt // 6 € (For students, trainees, graduates, civil servants, civilian and military service employees, schoolchildren and young people: in case of a previous appointment). Standard // 10 €. Abendkasse // 12 €. (Am 15.12.2022 ab 18:00 Uhr vor Ort in die "Alte Hackerei".) What are the Fuckup Nights? In the middle of the Fuckup Nights there is an event party, where people talk about their sexual behaviour. The Fuckup Nights already take place in over 300 countries worldwide - also at Karlsruhe! Why are there Fuckup Nights? Backpackers can easily get their life back to normal. From Misserfolg you can find something new, something big and above all something successful. This statement has not yet been established in Germany in particular. Everyone is always talking about their successes, misserfolge is the way to go. The Fuckup Nights would like to change this and revolutionize the culture. How does a Fuckup Night go? Always enjoyable: Euch erwartet ein Mix aus Business-Veranstaltung & Afterwork-Event in legerer Bar-Atmosphäre. Musik & Drinks gehören selbstverständlich auch dazu! 🎵 🍻 2 bis 4 Speaker:innen pro Event. 🗣️ 7 Minuten Sprechzeit für jede:n Speaker:in, danach 15 Minuten Diskussionsrunde. 🎤 Eine Pause zwischen den Vorträgen, in der es Drinks und Musik gibt. ⏸️ Nach dem offiziellen Teil: Musik, Drinks, Zeit zum Netzwerken. 🤝 Who is behind the Fuckup Nights Karlsruhe? Die Fuckup Nights in Karlsruhe werden organisiert von Startups Karlsruhe, deiner Community rundum Gründung & Startups in Karlsruhe. Team In our headquarters, the event is organized by startups Karlsruhe - the community about growth & startups in Karlsruhe. Partner Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich für die Unterstützung durch die Wirtschaftsförderung Karlsruhe und Gründerallianz Karlsruhe! 🦠 COVID-19 Since Sunday, April 3, 2022, a new Crown Regulation has been in force in Baden-Württemberg, which means that there is no longer any legal basis for the new Federal Infectious Diseases Protection Act. For our event on September 15, 2022 we would like to thank you for your renewed interest. However, we would like to be as responsible as possible for the situation in Corona. Therefore we have decided for further regulations: Der Zugang zum Event steht allen Menschen offen. There is KEINE Pflicht zum Nachweis einer vollständigen Corona-Impfung/ -Genesung oder eines negativen Corona-Tests. We recommend the self-selection of a Corona test. We appreciate the willingness to provide a world-wide service. Thank you for your support! Have you any further questions? Please feel free to contact us directly at fuckupnights@starterskarlsruhe.de.
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Calendar of events

December 15, 2022
Fuckup Nights Karlsruhe // Vol. XI
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15 Dec

8:00 pm


11:00 pm

Alte Hackerei

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New dates coming soon
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Fuckupper Wanted

Fuckup Nights is a global movement with a platform for international events where people get to share their personal failure stories. Every month different events happen worldwide where three to four speakers step into the spotlight in front of a room of strangers to share their screw-ups. We've heard it all, from stories of businesses that go bust, partnership deals that fall out, to products that must be recalled.

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FUCKUP NIGHTS in your city

What does it mean to be a Fuckupper?

A Fuckupper is a local Fuckup Nights representative responsible for organizing events and growing the community in their city. Becoming a Fuckupper means belonging to a globally known movement with an established licensing model that provides you with opportunities for networking to build your personal brand AND work towards collective liberation from the stigma of failure.

I'm ready to be a Fuckupper


get the license now for $480 usd per year


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Fuckupper Team

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