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4 tips to overcome life transitions

Personal and professional changes in life can become complex, causing anxiety and stress.

January 20, 2021
4 tips to overcome life transitions | Fuckup Nights

Living a transition, desired or not, can generate fears and anxiety.

I have lived through several important transitions in my life both professionally and personally: I lived and worked in 4 countries with very different cultures, I went from working in a large corporate company in London and Paris for 7 years to being a social entrepreneur in México for more than 7 years, and from living in a city of 20 million inhabitants to a small town of 500 people, also starting 4 social enterprises that have experienced very strong changes...

In general, living through a transition, whether desired or undesired, personal or professional, can generate a lot of fears, stress and anxiety. Any change causes uncertainty. What will my new team be like? What will my boss be like? Will I be able to have friends in this new city? Will I be able to adapt to my new life? What if my project fails? These are some of the thousands of questions we ask ourselves when we are in the process of transition.

What does "transition" mean?

"It is the action and effect of passing from one state to another. The concept implies a change in a way of being or being. It is generally understood as a process with a certain extension in time."."

The important thing is that it is a profound change of state that takes time. It's not an immediate, shallow change. If you change cars or decide to go to the gym instead of football, it's not a transition. A transition implies a change that has important consequences in your life. Changing jobs, starting an entrepreneurial project, changing partners, taking on a new project in your company, moving to a new city or country, starting a family... are personal and professional changes that impact the being of the person who is going through them.

The 5 key stages of a transition:

Each person lives a transition in a different way and has its own times. What the following graph shows us is the stage of realization of the situation that generates stress, fears and anxiety and the faster we get out of it, the better the transition will be. This stage is critical because it generates the transformational change that allows us to move forward.

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4 tips to overcome life transitions
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