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Trust: The Pillar of Business Growth

We explore why trust is crucial to business success and how you can cultivate it.

Pepe Villatoro
September 26, 2024
Trust: The Pillar of Business Growth

One day an investor was asked why he had created his fund in Monterrey, México. 

His answer was: "Because in Monterrey you can do business at the speed of trust".

In the competitive business world, trust is the most valuable characteristic a person or company can have. 

Being reliable means not only delivering on promises and expectations, but also having a reputation based on integrity, honesty and consistency. 

In this post I explore why trust is crucial to lasting relationships in business and share with you practical strategies for developing and maintaining it.

1. Opportunities Come from People

People only come when there is trust

Think about the opportunities that have changed your life. A job opportunity, landing an investor, launching a business... they all came from a person who shared or connected the opportunity with you.

When clients, colleagues, partners and acquaintances trust you, they are more likely to give you opportunities, recommend you to others and collaborate with you on important projects. 

Image 1. Two people helping each other climb a mountain at sunset, representing teamwork and trust.

From our perspective, what is trust and what does it represent?

Being reliable means not only delivering on promises and expectations, but also having a reputation based on integrity, honesty and consistency. 

Trust translates into loyalty and repeat business, which is critical to long-term growth and sustainability.

Business and life are done at the speed of trust.

2. Keeping your Word

One of the most direct ways to build trust is to deliver on your promises and commitments.

This involves delivering work on time, meeting agreed deadlines and delivering the expected results. 

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you cannot keep a promise, it is crucial to communicate this immediately and look for alternative solutions.

At what point in my life did I understand this?

A few years ago I worked at Telmexand when I was promoted to manager to lead the digital innovation team, my boss gave me the news with the following phrase:"You are reliable. I know that whatever I ask you to do, you will do it, and you will do it in the best possible way."

Years later I read in a book that the basis of professional success is to be 'reliable', i.e. consistent and reliable. At that moment everything clicked for me: Character --> Discipline --> 'Reliability'.

Image 2. Thomas Henry Huxley with the following quote, "Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to force you to do what you have to do, when you have to do it, whether you like it or not."

3. Be Consistent level Starbucks

People go to Starbucks because they know what to expect in every aspect: speed, price, service, taste, etc. 

People need to know what to expect from you in different situations

This means being consistent in your actions, decisions and communication. Inconsistency leads to distrust and uncertainty, which limits creative possibilities. 

If you change your strategy every day, it will be impossible to work as a team. If one day you react optimistically and another day you play the victim, people will walk away from you.  

4. Radical Transparency

At Fuckup Nights we say, "If you're not sure whether or not to share something, share it constructively." Our default setting is to share and laugh at our failures with the world..

Open and honest communication is fundamental to building and maintaining trust.

Being transparent about your capabilities, limitations and progress on projects builds trust. It also means admitting mistakes when they occur and working proactively to fix them. Honesty fosters an attractive environment for collaboration.

On the other hand, no one wants to work with someone who only communicates problems that are about to explode or have already exploded. 

If you want to read more about this and learn how to share failure as a learning tool, you can consult the article share failure on our blog. 

5. Always Show Integrity

Do the right thing, even when no one is watching. 

Being a person of integrity 99.9% of the time is the same as not being a person of integrity. 

This includes being honest in your dealings, respecting confidentiality and upholding your values and principles, even when you face pressure to act otherwise. 

Integrity creates a solid foundation of trust that adds up to a lot of points when the going gets tough and you must manage in times of crisis.

6. Always Add Value

People only recommend and connect with people who will make them look good. 

To be seen as reliable, it is important to consistently add value. Not just sometimes. Not just at first and then go with the flow. 

This means providing products, services or knowledge that truly benefit others. 

By focusing on how you can continually add value, you demonstrate your commitment to the success and well-being of others, which builds confidence in you.

Image 3. Businessman whose gestures symbolize being too busy sometimes as people, to build relationships with others.

7. Don't hide 👀

Strong relationships are the foundation of reliability

There is no such thing as trust "from afar", or with automated mailings.

Take the time to get to know your clients and colleagues on a personal level, understand their needs and concerns, and show empathy. 

Strong relationships are based on being present, with reciprocity and mutual respect.

8. Act as Owner

Accountability is vital to trust. 

Taking responsibility for your actions and decisions, especially when things don't go as planned, demonstrates your commitment to others. 

This includes acknowledging your mistakes, apologizing when necessary, and taking steps to correct the situation immediately.

Don't blame the moon and the stars, much less other people. There is always a level of responsibility and opportunity in each of us. 

9. Demonstrates Trajectory

People want to hang out with people who are growing. Not with people who are stagnant.  

It's like in the recruiting process. If you don't see an improvement curve, candidates don't generate the confidence that they are going to give their full potential. 

Invest in your personal and professional development. Know yourself better. Define what you value. Develop new skills. Build your personal network (but with trusted relationships! 😀).


Lessons learned and final recommendations

  • To open doors and new opportunities we need to be reliable and consistent. 
  • When others think of you, it is important that they consider you to have a solid, positive reputation so that they will include you in their business. 
  • By delivering on your promises, being consistent, communicating openly, acting with integrity, providing consistent value, developing strong relationships, taking responsibility, showing commitment and loyalty, and investing in your development, you can become a person that others fully trust. 
  • In an environment where trust is scarce and highly valued, being trusted automatically puts you above 95% of others. 

If you wish to work on the creation of trusting relationships in safe spaces for your work teams, you can contact us at this page with the Fuckup Nights team, and thus contribute together to the development of your team's confidence, in order to achieve personal growth and that of your company.

Edited by

Trust: The Pillar of Business Growth
Pepe Villatoro
Pepe Villatoro is a globally awarded serial entrepreneur. He has created 5 companies and was the Regional Head of Expansion, in Southern Europe and North Latam. Currently, he collaborates with governments and companies to help create a shift in mindset. He loves traveling, having a good meal, and having good conversations.


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