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Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset: Addressing Failures

Explores how the growth vs. fixed mindset drives learning, overcoming failures and continuous development throughout our lives

Pepe Villatoro
October 11, 2024
Growth Mentality vs. Fixed Mentality

Have you ever said phrases like, "I'm bad at numbers," "I'm not good at sales," "I'm not good at sports"? These types of common beliefs can limit your potential by setting up a fixed mindset that hinders change and growth.

The enormous danger of these common phrases is that our beliefs become reality. 

Your belief causes you to not try or learn how to do something, and not trying that something causes you to become that person who doesn't know how to do it. 

Beliefs → Actions → Identity 

Growth mindset, a brilliant concept brought to light by Dr. Carol Dweck. Carol Dweckis the best guide I have found for personal growth. 

With this growth mindset, every mistake, every stumble, can be a golden opportunity to soar higher. In contrast, the fixed mindset, like a ballast in our wings, can keep us anchored and limit our potential. 

Today, we will explore the key concepts of how a growth mindset and learn how to turn our failures into stepping stones to success, and how to avoid the trap of the fixed mindset that limits us.

What is the Growth Mindset?

The growth mindset is believing that our skills and talents can grow through effort and the learning process. 

Those who adopt this growth mindset see failure not as a reflection of their abilities, but as a stepping stone in their journey of self-discovery and personal development. This approach strengthens resilience and opens doors to novel endeavors. In addition to facing challenges with courage, knowing that every difficulty is an opportunity to grow and foster resilience. This change of perspective allows us to open up to ideas that transform limitations into possibilities for growth.

Key differences between fixed mindset and growth mindset

In contrast, a fixed mindset thinks that failure defines the limit of our abilities. This leads us to avoid risks and leaves us trapped in a cycle of complacency. 

Imagine Messi misses a shot at 6 years old and says, "I'm not good at soccer, I'd better do something else." Nobody is born knowing everything.

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Failure from a Growth Mindset

Overcoming the fear of failure with developed a growth mindset

With a growth mindset, that failed penalty is not the end, but a step toward learning. Failures are approached with curiosity. 

Instead of asking "Why me?", we ask "What can I learn from this?" 

This change of perspective transforms failures into enriching experiences, nurturing our resilience and capacity for recovery. Let's remember that success is not about not making mistakes, but about learning to pick ourselves up more wisely each time we fall. Believing in error should not limit our progress; instead, it encourages the experience of failure as an integral part of the learning process.

How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Strategies to face challenges and strengthen resilience

Adopting a growth mindset is a journey that requires commitment and practice. 

Here are some steps that can help you cultivate it:

  • Reframe challenges: Instead of seeing obstacles as barriers, look at them as doors to new opportunities. Ask yourself, "What can I learn here, what is in my control?"
  • Accept effort: Understand that effort is the essence of growth. Every attempt, whether successful or unsuccessful, brings you closer to your goals. Even when the outcome is relatively bad. 
  • Learn from criticism: Don't see feedback as a personal attack, but as a powerful tool for your improvement. When you are criticized think of how Kobe Bryant or Serena Williams react to feedback from their coaches, i.e., with humility and seeking to improve. No matter how harsh the criticism.
  • Celebrate small accomplishments: Recognize and celebrate your victories, no matter how small. This fuels your motivation and reminds you that progress is a journey, not a destination.
  • Practice self-compassion: In times of failure, be kind to yourself. Self-compassion is essential to maintaining a growth mindset and allows you to accept that failure is part of the learning process.

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Michael Scott - The office

The Impact of the Environment on your Mindset

The importance of surrounding yourself with people with a growth mindset

Although we sometimes find it hard to accept, the environment around us has a great influence on how we act. 

As they say, we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. Surrounding yourself with optimistic people who first look for the "how yes" can keep you focused on growing and learning. 

Organizations that encourage innovation and continuous learning, where failure is not penalized, tend to have more resilient and creative teams. On the contrary, in an environment where mistakes are punished, fear and paralysis are encouraged, which limits both your personal growth and that of the organization.

Overcoming the Fixed Mentality

Identifying and changing a limiting mindset

Dismantling a fixed mindset can be a challenge, but it is a possible journey for anyone. 

We are not born with a fixed mindset in any aspect of life. And if we create it, we can destroy it. Or have you ever seen a baby who didn't want to try to learn to talk or walk?

Often, it's rooted in limiting beliefs we tell ourselves. If you find yourself stuck in thoughts like "I'm not good at this" or "I'll never be able to do this," it's time to ask yourself why not, and move on to how you can. 

Observe your thoughts and, when you notice a fixed perspective, reorient your narrative. Instead of saying "I'm a failure at this," say "I haven't succeeded yet, but I can get better with practice." This simple change can revolutionize the way you approach challenges and open you up to new horizons in new businesses or novel ventures.

The Growth Mindset in Business

Learning and innovation opportunity for business success

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Kodak GOLD 200 Camera and Film

In business, a growth mindset is an invaluable asset. Creating a culture that values continuous development and innovation over fear of error is the necessary foundation for creativity and adaptability. 

If Kodak had a growth mindset they would have sought to learn about digital photography and find new opportunities to grow their business model.

Leaders who embrace this mindset are not only more resilient in the face of difficult situations, but inspire their teams to take risks, experiment and continually grow. In addition, this mindset fosters collaboration, where sharing mistakes becomes a collective lesson and a driver for improvement. This perspective is key to achieving business success and strengthening the culture of lifelong learning and professional development in work teams.


The growth mindset is a powerful tool that transforms failures into opportunities for learning and development. 

By changing our perception of error, we can free ourselves from the chains of the fixed mindset and welcome a future full of possibilities. 

Adopting this mindset is like having a superpower that not only transforms our relationship with failure, but also fuels our resilience, creativity and motivation in all aspects of our lives. 

In a world where failures are inevitable, the growth mindset turns them into a ladder to personal fulfillment.

If you wish to work on the creation of trusting relationships in safe spaces for your work teams, you can contact us at this page with the Fuckup Nights team, and thus contribute together to the development of your team's confidence, in order to achieve personal growth and that of your company.

Edited by

Karla Ferreira

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset: Addressing Failures
Pepe Villatoro
Pepe Villatoro is a globally awarded serial entrepreneur. He has created 5 companies and was the Regional Head of Expansion, in Southern Europe and North Latam. Currently, he collaborates with governments and companies to help create a shift in mindset. He loves traveling, having a good meal, and having good conversations.


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Let's transform our perception of failure and use it as a catalyst for growth.