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How to be creative

Learning how to be creative has its rewards, so I'm going to share with you some tips on how to master this skill.

Juan Merodio
How to be creative | Fuckup Nights | Innovation

It could be said that the Internet has become a massive information container where you can find answers to all the questions you ask yourself. This is a great advantage for the consumer, but a disadvantage for the creator.

In the face of so much information and competition, it is increasingly difficult to stand out. However, there is a formula that never fails: be creative.

All strategies that are based on creativity succeed. Whether in advertising, content, social networks... In fact, in recent days one of the most popular brands of the moment, Netflix, is managing to viralize its advertising campaigns, making everyone talk about them and share them on networks, thanks to the creative messages it is launching.

There is no doubt that learning how to be creative has its rewards, so I'm going to share with you some tips for you to master this skill and translate it into your social media strategy (among others).


Formulas to learn how to be creative in social networks


These data are proof of what I said before; Facebook already has more than 2.2 billion users worldwide and Instagram more than 1 billion. So being creative on social networks is absolutely necessary if we want to reach our community and target audience without getting lost in the crowd.

To that end, there are some general formulas to inspire you and that can help you, especially when it comes to implementing a social media strategy. Here is a visual summary of the 5 basic pillars:

be creative infographics

Tips to be creative

1# Keep a notebook to write down ideas

Ideas come when you least expect them and in the most unexpected place. If we do not write them down at that moment, it is likely that when we want to remember all the details we will have forgotten them.

One trick to avoid this is to carry a notebook in which you can write down what comes to mind and later give it shape and, alternatively, you could install a note app on your smartphone.

2# Listen to music

Music can be a great source of inspiration. If you listen to it carefully, some of its phrases or words can be the trigger for a great idea for your social media posts. In this case, more than learning how to be creative, it is about paying attention to everything that surrounds us to use it to our advantage. For example, from the lyrics of a song, you can create a story and relate it to your product or service.

3# Travel to new places

Traveling means getting to know new cultures, traditions, landscapes, people, places, lifestyles and even hobbies. And everything new helps you to be creative. On the other hand, the experiences you live can serve you to publish new content in your social networks and connect it with the interests of your community. And in that way, you can also show yourself in a close way to your community.

Another way to be creative is to use expressions that you may know in other countries. You can use them in your campaigns and it is a way to attract attention and generate curiosity.

4# Take a risk and break the rules

When there is something out of the way or out of the pattern that everyone else is following, it provokes awe and admiration. And it is something that goes beyond being creative. Because not only do you need imagination for the actions you are going to develop, but you also need to dare to take the step and break with the established.

In this sense, it is important to anticipate, because what is novel and generates attraction at first, then, when others begin to copy these steps, it becomes normal and ceases to be something unexpected.

5# Socialize

Talking to other professionals, clients, peers, networking, and even a conversation with people who know nothing about your industry, can become a very inspirational activity. Nourishing yourself with other points of view and opinions can help you to be more creative in your social networks.

And not only that, any phrase or word they say to you can be the trigger for great ideas to get attention. You might be having a conversation with a friend and they suddenly say something that you associate with your business, or that you can use to get your community moving. The point is to always be on your toes.

6# Learn new skills

Here are 15 other tricks to learn how to be creative:

  1. Always carry a notepad, either paper or digital.
  2. Set aside at least 1 hour every week to think in a place isolated from technology.
  3. Talk to and interact with people you have never interacted with before
  4. Open your eyes wide and always observe what is going on around you.
  5. Visit every week somewhere new where you have never been before
  6. Don't be afraid to break the established rules
  7. Don't strive for perfection, just get better at what you do.
  8. Learn new words in languages you don't know, you can use online applications to do so.
  9. Every week you finish something you left unfinished.
  10. Read books you never thought of reading before
  11. Copy what your idols do, I am not talking about plagiarizing but being inspired by their actions.
  12. Surround yourself with people better than you who will always put you in a challenging context.
  13. Take a blank piece of paper, a pen and draw the first thing that comes to your mind.
  14. Do routine tasks that bore you (scrubbing, ironing, folding laundry...) will trigger your brain to engage in new thoughts.
  15. Create small daily challenges for yourself

I hope these tips to be creative help you in your day to day. There are many tricks and apps with which you can improve the format in which you make your publications in social networks. You just need to research, test and little by little, improve. Being creative also involves encouraging innovation in the videos you post, the images you upload or the stories you launch every day.

New skills such as image, sound and video editing can give your content a more attractive appearance and make it stand out among your followers. It can also be a differentiating element for your audience to look forward to new material every day.

In short, being creative is something that can be nurtured through formulas like these. The basis of everything is to implement them day by day, until a moment comes when we develop them without even realizing it. Then our creativity will soar, but for this, as for any other matter that requires discipline and effort, we must train it.

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Edited by

How to be creative
Juan Merodio
Juan Merodio is an expert in Digital Marketing and a Disseminator of the New Economy (Web3, Blockchain, NFTs...). He has founded the company that bears his own name, Juan Merodio, and from where he and his team coordinate and develop business consulting in Marketing and Digital Transformation for companies in different parts of the world such as Spain, Latin America, Japan, Canada and the United States.
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