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PRESS RELEASE- Fuckup Nights Calls Out Copycats

FUN is calling out copycats and those who profit from using the brand without permission

Fuckup Nights
PRESS RELEASE- Fuckup Nights Calls Out the Copycats



Carlos Zimbrón

CEO & Co-Founder


MEXICO CITY -July 11th, 2023- Fuckup Nights, the global movement that celebrates failure and encourages entrepreneurs to embrace their mistakes, is calling out copycats and those who profit from using the brand without permission.

Fuckup Nights has been leading the way in the failure empowerment movement since 2012 in Mexico and spread to over 300 cities in 90 countries. Their focus is on creating spaces of psychological safety for entrepreneurs and innovators to share their stories of failure and learn from their mistakes to lead with vulnerability.

As our movement expanded rapidly, we recognized the need to strengthen our legal basis, leading to significant enhancements in our licensing contracts between 2017 and 2018 to ensure exceptional quality,” says Alejandra Ruiz, Head of Global Movement at Fuckup Nights. “Despite numerous attempts to reach a mutual agreement with certain former licensees, they have persistently refused to sign the updated contracts, and have continued using our brand"

Ruiz continues: These individuals have been profiting from our brand for years, ignoring our cease and desist letters, and even undermining authorized local organizers by scheduling copycat events on the same dates as our Fuckup Nights. They mislead their clients by falsely claiming rights to our brand and knowledge of our methodology, which is entirely untrue."

Fuckup Nights is taking a stand against these copycats by launching a new awareness campaign to educate the public on the importance of choosing authentic and experienced failure-based corporate training providers. 

"We believe that sharing and celebrating failure is an important part of personal and professional growth," says Fuckup Nights CEO & Co-Founder, Carlos Zimbrón. "However, we also understand that not all failure-based training is created equal. Our goal is to ensure that our partners have access to authentic and quality training that truly transforms corporate cultures."

In addition to their public and private events, Fuckup Nights offers data-based workshops and online courses through The Failure Institute. These resources provide valuable insights and tools for individuals and organizations to use failure as the trigger of innovation and productivity.

As the original global platform for embracing business failure, Fuckup Nights encourages individuals and organizations to request permission before attempting to copy or imitate their brand, products, and/or services. The organization is urging individuals and companies to research before choosing a corporate training provider and to choose providers committed to transparency and authenticity.

You can reach out to us at @fuckupnights on Instagram


About Fuckup Nights

Fuckup Nights is a global movement with a platform for international events where people get to share their business failure stories. In all our monthly public events around the world, three to four speakers step into the spotlight in front of a room full of strangers to share their screw-ups. We've heard it all, from stories of businesses that go bust, to partnership deals that fall out, to products that must be recalled. For more information on Fuckup Nights and The Failure Institute, visit

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Raquel Rojas

PRESS RELEASE- Fuckup Nights Calls Out Copycats


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