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Positive work environments? Increasing Motivation

Behind motivation at work there is a psychological explanation that not only has to do with money, but also with basic needs.

May 6, 2024
Positive work environments? Increasing Motivation

Positive work environments? Increasing Motivation

When we discuss "work," we think of obligations and duties. We understand work as a forced activity, where the only reward or motivation behind it is money and, you know, surviving in this system.

However, there is a psychological explanation behind motivation at work. It is not only about money but basic needs and positive work environments.

Today, we will discover what is behind motivation at work and how we can achieve it.

What is motivation?

Motivation is the determination or will that drives people to take certain actions or adopt certain behaviors to achieve something specific. This works similarly at the workplace but it also refers to an employee's willingness and readiness to contribute with knowledge and skills to achieve organizational goals.

We know that our lives are governed by two types of motivations: intrinsic and extrinsic . The first is what comes from within us and gives us personal satisfaction,  passion or enjoyment. For example, learning to dance or playing video games. Engaging in the activity becomes an end in itself.

Extrinsic motivation comes from outside, such as obtaining a reward or avoiding punishment. For instance, studying a subject's curriculum, working on weekends to pay for education, or participating in a contest to win a prize. In this case, engaging in the activity is a means to an end.

The power of choice positively influences how we engage in an activity. Doing something for intrinsic motivation is much more rewarding than doing it due to an external demand. Emotionally, we are much more predisposed than if it is an activity done out of obligation.

This is fundamental when discussing motivation at work because it requires working on commitment and belonging to an organization.

It is important to clarify that both types of motivation are not exclusive but can be found to varying degrees depending on the activity undertaken. And when we talk about the workplace or academia, these motivations come into play to different extents.

Why be motivated at work?

As you can easily guess, the success of certain activities depends greatly on the availability, experience, and knowledge that the individuals performing them can bring. 

According to a study conducted in 2005, one of the main reasons for low productivity was low motivation and morale, linked to workplaces with little motivation, a poor sense of belonging, and little or no recognition.

On the contrary, when there is motivation at work, we encounter the following benefits:

  1. Increased productivity: There are more significant efforts to contribute knowledge and experience to daily tasks.

  1. Efficient resource consumption: This means a greater sense of belonging and responsibility towards the organization, leading to better resource management.

  1. Constant professional development: Motivation leads people to seek the best personal and professional version of themselves, so constant pursuit of knowledge and improvement is common.

  1. Reduction in employee turnover: By fostering the aforementioned, team members will experience a sense of ease and contentment in their workplace, reducing the likelihood of being lured by other job prospects.

  1. Creation of a healthy organizational culture: A team of motivated individuals tends to work better, support each other, and spread organizational belonging.

  1. Improvements in behavior among colleagues: There is a willingness to help others and resolve conflicts better.

  1. Better adaptation to change: With trust among colleagues, confidence in their knowledge, and a willingness to learn, new challenges and changes do not pose obstacles when there is motivation at work.

According to some studies, highly motivated employees tend to be more creative and proactive. They are also more self-assured in their abilities, which boosts their confidence, and they are more willing to take on tasks that fall outside their usual duties. Moreover, they have a lower rate of absenteeism, which means they are more reliable and committed to their work.

Fostering motivation at work

As you know, rewards reinforce desired behaviors and outcomes, and when applied at the right times, they help retain talent, increase engagement, and motivate continuous improvement.

Generally, when we talk about motivation at work, the first thing that comes to mind is economic motivation. While it's true that financial incentives are a primary motivator in the business world, other types of rewards impact motivation at work and appeal to basic human needs:

  • Increased involvement: It's crucial for individuals to feel that their opinions and ideas are valued for achieving goals and the common good within the organization.

  • Reward processes as well as results: Rewarding processes also takes into account good practices, key people who led to the production of those results and creates an environment of trust, personal growth and continuous learning.

  • Clarity and communication: When there is honest communication in a trusting environment, it is possible to have clarity of expectations, roles and processes. In addition, it is easier to communicate needs and red flags in a timely manner.

  • Benefits and perks: Although not the sole motivator, economic benefits and perks remain crucial. These include salaries, promotions, insurance, vacation time, flexible hours, work-life balance, remote work options, etc.

  • Feedback and recognition: When shared in a secure environment, constructive feedback empowers us to evolve and become the best possible versions of ourselves. Negative feedback must be handled privately, while positive feedback can be given publicly.

  • Training and career development: Having tools to improve our expertise provides us the confidence to perform tasks and face new challenges and changes. Training helps reinforce these skills, and if accompanied by a career plan for growth and advancement, motivation at work is ensured.

  • Psychological Safety spaces: Finally, interacting in a positive work environment allows us to develop healthy interpersonal relationships that maintain camaraderie and a powerful common purpose to achieve shared goals.

The role of leadership and motivation in the workplace

These ways of fostering motivation at work must be supported by area leaders and teams, especially in how they communicate responsibilities, provide feedback, and offer recognition.

One of the most significant learnings our collaborators gain when bringing Fuckup Nights to their companies is the importance of setting an example. 

Role models are key regarding vulnerability, transparency, and clarity. A leader who demonstrates openness and willingness to acknowledge mistakes is a great source of inspiration and motivation for team members.

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Edited by

Positive work environments? Increasing Motivation
Ricardo Guerrero
Media Editor & Newsletter Coordinator
Content & typos creator. He probably posted this blog by himself, and thinks it's awkward to write his own bio. Fuckuppin's mom.
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