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Fuckup Nights in Numbers 2023

As every year, we want to remember what made 2023 a good year for us. Also, download our Failure at Work report 2023!

December 5, 2023
Fuckup Nights in Numbers 2023.

This year was about learning, researching, and re-emphasizing the importance of our community—the one that launched our event series into the international stage.

When we talk about learnings, we’re talking about our Failure Survey. A tool we created to analyze, diagnose, and provide solutions to hundreds of companies across all industries looking to improve their organizational culture.

Thanks to the Failure Survey , we’ve learned all kinds of insights that we want to share with you . Make sure to stay until the end to download our report and discover our top 5 learnings of the year ;)

Here’s what made 2023 a great year for us:

In 2023...

Fuckup Nights is present in

64 countries and 238 cities.

These are 183 people (Fuckuppers) who help share failure by organizing events around the world.

This was the year that Donostia and Culiacán, two of our oldest cities, celebrated  10 years of organizing Fuckup Nights, with Montreal closely behind, celebrating 7 years!

It was also the year we welcomed Bangkok from New York . And the year we officially arrived in Berlin and Vienna, a couple of cities in a region with the most copycats.

All this represents over  300 Fuckup Nights events throughout the year.

On average, every 30 hours a Fuckup Nights event was taking place somewhere around the world!.

This translates 900 failure stories, heard by approximately 34,500 attendees. Milan, with the largest event in 2023, gathered 1,200 attendees.

And in the digital world, this community continues to engage with us through our newsletter, where 105,760 people follow us on our social media platforms, while  138,848 subscribers are ready to learn, and embrace failure with the help of our newsletter.

'How Altruistic are Charities and Philanthropy?'was our most read blog.


'What do we really mean by inclusion at work?' the one that got the most reading time.

Perhaps it's a sign that you should take a look…

It is thanks to our community, that we can continue our mission of helping humans break free from the stigma of failure and boost productivity and innovation while transforming their organizational cultures.

In 2023...

Fuckup Nights reframed work culture paradigms with


47 private events

By the way, we had more in-person than digital events, for the first time after the pandemic! (67% vs 33%).

Our workshops have provided valuable insights, and we identified the top two trendy topics across industries: Psychological Safety and Failure Management.

Thanks to our partners, we quickly realized the corporate world needs the right practical knowledge to transform failure into employee engagement and innovation. That's why, in 2023, we launched our new courses for companies:

1 hour and 13 minutes of video and 2 hours and 58 minutes of reading 

On topics that we know are the biggest obstacles in the corporate world:

  • Difficult conversations
  • Psychological safety
  • Innovation
  • Failure management
  • Fear of failure

Of course, we are not afraid to address the elephant in the room: gender equityThat’s why we launched Mujeres Sin FiltroA project in collaboration with the IDB that has already benefited several companies and countries to addressing gender, equality, empowerment, and overcoming failure.

Circling back to our star product, The Failure Survey, our 27-question tool. With those answers we generate a report on the organizational culture and employee perception of the companies we work with, to provide solutions.

This year, we assessed the perceptions around failure management of more than 1,000 employees. This gave us an insightful snapshot of the working world and its trends in organizational culture.

Now, without further ado, we want to share with you our top 5 learnings, thanks to organizations who seek to become pioneers in a healthier work culture:

  • Learning #1 - People take more risks than we thought

34.4% of people who answered the survey believe that their organization usually prefers to make decisions based on safety and lower risk rather than aiming for higher profitability.

  • Learning #2 - We need to value difficult conversations

57.88% of respondents tend to stay silent about the progress of a project when they don't have good news.

  • Learning #3 - We need all teams to have vulnerable leaders

41.2% of employees think their team leaders rarely acknowledge their mistakes.

  • Learning #4 - More sharing is needed to innovate

Only 35.58% of people usually communicate and report lessons learned.

  • Learning #5 - We need to reinforce Psychological Safety

42.8% of respondents to the Failure Survey prefer to do their own research rather than ask questions when something is unclear to them.

These are some insights we found thanks to the hundreds of people who answered our survey between 2022 and 2023. We want to share with you our analysis of trends in fear of failure, psychological safety, difficult conversations, and innovation in the workplace.

2023 was a great year; we look forward to learning more with you. If you want to bring this The Failure Survey to your company or any of our other products, feel free to contact us.

Thank you for reading and being with us another year.

We wish you happy holidays and a "successful" 2024!

Download here our report Failure at Work 22-23
English / Español]

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Fuckup Nights in Numbers 2023
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