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How to foster creativity and innovation in a company

What can we start doing to exercise the innovation muscle? We list 4 best practices to start in the best way.

Fuckup Nights
March 30, 2023
How to foster creativity and innovation in a company

Failure is a key ingredient in creativity and innovation

To innovate, we must be willing to take risks. The first thing we have to accept, in order to discover inspiring ideas, is that many of them will not work or will be discarded.

But those ideas will be as important as the innovative ones because they will create the inertia within a team to speak freely. And as they often say at Google X:

"A bad idea can be the cousin of a good idea, and a good idea can be the neighbor of an amazing idea."

But how do I get my team to speak up and take risks? In theory it sounds simple, but in practice it's not so simple. For there to be confidence in adopting "trial and error" within our teams, we need to make some important changes in our corporate culture and create the right space for this laboratory of ideas to work.

Innovation is a complex topic. Not for nothing do we offer an entire course on it in our Failure Program. But if one of our eager customers asks us, what are the things we can start doing to exercise the innovation muscle? We have a clear notion.

How to be innovative at work‍.

Here are 4 best practices to change our paradigms around failure, creativity and innovation. 

1. Put Psychological Safety First

Aren't we talking about innovation? Yes. But without psychological safety in your workspace, it's unlikely that anyone will raise their voice in a meeting or point out a flaw that no one else is seeing.

In fact, we could end this blog with this first point alone. Psychological safety is everything. For it basically involves lessening the fear of being transparent, speaking up and taking risks.

Psychological Safety is a shared belief that the team is safe to take interpersonal risks. It can be defined as "having the freedom to speak up and contribute without fear of negative consequences".

The fear of failure and its consequences makes us move cautiously, we generally analyze all the possibilities, the risks and after a meditation process, we make a decision. In itself, when we fail we tend to think about it a lot, and when there is a negative consequence, this fear of failure is validated and leads us to not want to try anymore.

In the workplace we are led to believe that opportunities to try are one-shot opportunities and failures are often costly. A space where risks can be taken and these attempts are celebrated is paramount to starting a culture of failure and innovation.

Teams working in psychological safety environments understand the importance of the culture of failure, its positive impact on operations and share it. Research shows that psychological safety unlocks the potential in high-performing teams, making companies more agile, strategic and innovative. This leads to productive and satisfied teams, and this, to happier individuals.

However, not everything is rosy with psychological safety. For if it is not balanced, we can fall into psychological danger or a dense comfort zone.

2. Take it easy

We like to describe innovation to our customers as a chessboard. Many times we want to jump from point A to D. Like the queen piece. When in reality, innovation is like the king's piece. It moves square by square.

Innovation is actually an expansive expansive processmixing different points of view, conversations, influences and, above all, time.

The required knowledge needs time to be identified and analyzed in depth; great creative ideas happen in spaces enabled to explore, talk and share. For most of the time, they are ideas that remain dormant for a long time until they collide with others.

This, as you can imagine, is only possible in spaces of psychological safety, vulnerability and trust to share all kinds of crazy ideas, problems and even mistakes. For even within these, there are small sparks capable of opening up new ways to connect.

Innovation is a strategic path of patience of patience. And it is not just about one player, but requires a diverse team in the right space. Which brings us to the next point...

3. Commitment to diversity and inclusion

A "diverse" team includes individuals from different socio-economic backgrounds, nationalities, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, education, etc. This gives the organization different perspectives on certain topics.

In a soccer team, while diversity means having different "types" of players, inclusion means passing the ball to each of them so they can play. In a company, it means giving every team member the opportunity to play a role, express an opinion, actively participate and have access to the company's resources.

Having a diverse workforce means having different perspectives on the same issue within the company. This will impact problem-solving skills within the company and enhance initiatives within teams with innovative ideas.

A team with the same characteristics among its members (gender, socioeconomic level, etc.) can create blind spots in the peripheral vision of a company and compromise the ability to identify problems from different perspectives.

4. Open safe spaces

Finally, as they say, we should not sit and wait for creativity. We must make sure that it finds us working. And as far as innovation is concerned, getting down to work means setting up spaces frequently so that they can become a healthy tradition.

With our products and experiences, we have had the opportunity to implement these spaces to unleash our imagination for problem solving. Some important activities can be brainstorming sessions, creative sessions or pre-mortems to identify red flags early.

Allocating time and space for these sessions puts on the radar the importance of talking and being open to innovate. It is crucial that all possible voices are included in these spaces, and that silence is not confused with agreement.

What is an innovative organization?

An innovative organization is one that manages to incorporate innovation as a fundamental value in its culture and daily operations. It is not only about creating new products or services, but also about finding more efficient and productive ways of doing the job, implementing new ideas that add value to the business and to customers. These types of organizations are characterized by being disruptive, proactive and open to change.

Innovation becomes a mechanism to improve and optimize all areas of the company, from internal management to customer relations. This is done through the application of best practices in the company's sector, which involves the effective use of technology, adaptation to market trends and optimization of work processes.

Characteristics of an innovative organization

Innovative organizations understand that best practices are not static, but are constantly evolving. Best practices are those methodologies, techniques and procedures that have been identified as the most effective and efficient in delivering results. Therefore, innovative organizations actively seek new ways to improve, often challenging the status quo. They are not afraid of mistakes or failures, but see them as learning opportunities to improve their processes and become more competitive.

Organizations that are truly innovative not only focus on product innovation but embrace it in all aspects of their business. Most importantly, they put people at the center of their innovative approach, understanding that it is the employees who truly bring innovation to life. In short, an innovative organization is one that is constantly on the move, looking for new ways of doing things and committed to constant growth and development.

Importance of innovation in companies

Undoubtedly, innovation is one of the essential ingredients for the success of any company in today's business world. It is not simply a buzzword, but a critical necessity that can determine the survival and growth of a business. The importance of innovation in business is especially highlighted in a competitive and constantly evolving business environment.

Innovation is not only about inventing or introducing new products or services, but also about constantly looking for best practices to improve efficiency and productivity. For example, it may involve adopting new technologies, optimizing business processes, improving customer service methods, or even experimenting with new marketing strategies. Implementing these innovations can lead to a significant improvement in productivity, which in turn can result in increased profits.

In addition, fostering a culture of innovation within a company can increase employee motivation and engagement. Employees who feel valued and engaged are more likely to think creatively and come up with innovative ideas that can take the company to the next level.

In short, innovation can bring numerous benefits to companies, from increasing their productivity and profits to improving their competitiveness in the marketplace and increasing employee satisfaction. Therefore, innovation is not only important, but essential to the success of any company.

Examples of creativity and innovation in a company

Innovation and creativity are two crucial skills that can profoundly change the face of a company. Not only can they increase productivity and profits, but they can also give a company a competitive edge in the marketplace. There are several examples of companies that have used creativity and innovation to drive their growth and success.

An excellent example of this is Apple. This company has stood out for its constant innovation and creativity in developing technological products that have revolutionized the way we live and work. From the introduction of the iPhone to the creation of the iPad, Apple has demonstrated an incredible ability to anticipate consumer needs and provide effective and attractive solutions. This constant innovation has led to significant increases in productivity and profits.

Google is another example of how innovation can be used to improve productivity. With their constant improvements in online search, Google has simplified and accelerated the process of searching for information on the web. But they don't stop there, they have also ventured into other fields such as artificial intelligence, autonomous cars and more.

Another example is Airbnb. The company reinvented the idea of accommodation for travelers and transformed the lodging industry. It is clear that taken to the extreme and thanks to the lack of regulation of the real estate market, the use of Airbnb has contributed to the gentrification of many regions. This innovation not only led to increased productivity and profits for the company, but also changed the way people travel and experience new cultures.

In these cases, innovation has been driven by the skills and aptitudes of the work team. It has taken visionaries and open-minded leaders willing to take risks and challenge the status quo. And those are the types of skills and aptitudes that must be fostered to achieve success in today's business world.

Ultimately, these examples demonstrate that creativity and innovation in a company can be catalysts for growth, productivity and profits. By fostering the necessary skills and aptitudes in your team, any company can chart its own path to innovation and success.

Learn how to promote innovation in the company

It is gratifying to see that spark of enthusiasm when in one of our innovation workshops for companies, teams dare to identify what their teams need most to leap and see beyond. Although, yes, innovating is not easy and requires a cultural transformation, it is a process that we find valuable and defines much of the future of companies that risk to be better.

Maybe all your team needs is a little push to take the risk to innovate. If you want to know more about our workshops, online courses y failure events, contact us by filling out this form.

Frequently asked questions about innovation in companies

How does innovation influence companies?

Innovation is a key driving force for companies in today's economy. Not only can it differentiate a company from its competitors, but it can also significantly increase its productivity and profits. For starters, innovation can help companies improve their operational processes, which can increase efficiency and reduce costs.

A concrete example of how innovation can increase productivity is through the implementation of advanced technologies. These can automate time-consuming manual tasks, allowing employees to focus on more strategic, high-value tasks. This can lead to increased productivity, which in turn can lead to higher profits.

In addition, innovation can enable companies to create new products and services that better meet the needs of their customers. This can not only lead to increased sales, but also to greater customer loyalty. By cultivating a culture of innovation, companies can keep up with changing market trends and anticipate the future needs of their customers, thus ensuring their long-term success.

Last but not least, innovation can help companies attract and retain talent. In today's competitive business world, companies that demonstrate a commitment to innovation can stand out as attractive employers, which can help them attract and retain top talent.

Ultimately, innovation is essential to companies' productivity and profits. Not only can it improve operational processes and products, but it can also help companies attract top talent. However, to reap the maximum benefits from innovation, companies must foster a culture that supports and values innovation.

How to encourage innovation in companies?

Encouraging innovation in companies is a crucial task in today's economy. Innovation is the engine that drives growth and competitiveness, and is fundamental to the survival and success of any organization. But how can we foster a culture of innovation in our companies? Leadership, skills and aptitudes, as well as training, play an essential role in this process.

First of all, it is important to understand that innovation must be promoted from the leadership. Company leaders must be the first to foster an open mindset that is willing to experiment and take risks. They must also be able to recognize and value innovative ideas, regardless of where they come from. And, of course, they must have the skills and abilities to implement these ideas effectively.

Secondly, it is essential that everyone in the company has the necessary skills and aptitudes to innovate. This means that they must be able to think outside the box, to question the status quo and to find creative solutions to problems. And to do this, it is necessary to provide them with the right training. Through training and courses, we can teach our employees new techniques and methods, and equip them with the tools they need to be innovative.

Encouraging innovation in companies is no easy task, but it is absolutely necessary if we want our organization to be competitive and successful. Through strong and visionary leadership, the development of skills and aptitudes, and the provision of adequate training, we can foster a culture of innovation that benefits the entire company.

How to measure innovation in companies?

Innovation is a key element for the growth and survival of companies today. However, measuring innovation can be challenging due to its intangible and complex nature. Innovation can come in various forms, such as improving internal processes, adopting new work methods, optimizing productivity, among others. However, there are some effective ways to measure innovation and the impact it has on an organization.

First, we can consider the number of new products or services introduced in the market. This is a direct indicator of innovation, as it demonstrates a company's ability to generate ideas and turn them into successful business solutions.

Another of the most tangible indicators of innovation is increased profits. If the innovations you are implementing are generating an increase in sales or profit margin, it is a clear sign that they are having a positive impact. However, remember that innovation can also be long-term and results may take time to show.

Optimizing internal processes is often a further indicator of innovation. If a company has adopted new ways of doing things that are increasing productivity, it is likely to be innovating. To assess this, metrics such as the time it takes to perform certain tasks, the number of errors or employee satisfaction can be reviewed.

Finally, we cannot forget the importance of failure management in measuring innovation. Innovation involves risk and it is normal that not all ideas work. The important thing is to learn from these failures and use them to improve. Therefore, if a company is not afraid of failure and instead sees it as an opportunity for growth, it is a good indicator that it is fostering innovation.

In summary, innovation is a critical aspect of any company's growth and success and should be closely monitored. While it can be challenging to measure innovation, paying attention to profit, process efficiency and failure management will provide a clear picture of how it is being achieved.

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Edited by

Raquel Rojas

How to foster creativity and innovation in a company
Shanti Banus
Community Manager & Writer
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